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Tuition Payment it's very simple!

  • Without manually enter the amount the tuition bill is ready when just log-in! Easily pay the tuition. in your home country.

  • Users of the tuition payment Ranked 1st as of 2023. A tuition payment service with distinctive and low fee

  • It boasts wide versatility as a service available to the majority of international students studying in Korea

Usage instructions security

SKILOG provides a service that allows users to securely and easily pay tuition using the familiar payment methods they used in their home country.

  • Choose School

    Enter Student ID/Password

  • Review Notification Details

    Select Payment Method

  • Make Payment

    Confirm Final Payment

User reviews

  • I used to go through a lot of trouble withdrawing cash multiple times in front of the ATM to save on money transfer fees. However, it has become so much more convenient since I used SKILOG. The fees seem cheaper than the bank, and it takes less than a minute to pay tuition! It feels unfair that I struggled so much before.

  • I couldn't help having anxious feelings every time I had to pay a large amount of tuition, but things changed after using SKILOG. I feel relieved as I can check my tuition bill immediately once entering the student ID and password and no worries about making mistakes while entering separate numbers, which is really satisfying.

  • I used to pay dormitory fees separately each time, but this time, I used SKILOG to pay various expenses at once. It was so convenient and great for me. I think I'll continue to use it. I love SKILOG!

  • Due to foreign transactions, it used to take a long time for the school to confirm the payment of my tuition. I remember agonizing for over two days last time. But after using SKILOG, I can check the payment status right after completing the transaction, making it so much more convenient.

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